YouTube Reporters' Center Debuts

With the explosion of news reports from non-media folks using new technology, YouTube, which ends up hosting

Free PR Resources

Some people say nothing in life is free. Well, we have to disagree. There are a lot of great, free resources in the world of PR and we're providing our list of favorites here! Links are embedded throughout this post, so have fun!

Attachment Gripes

In public relations, we're constantly sharing information with reporters, clients, vendors, employees, and so on. As computer viruses increase as well as the use of mobile devices

Why PR Matters in a Down Economy

It’s no secret – we’re in a recession. When sales slow down for a company, many times, the first thing that’s cut is the marketing budget. To many CEOs, the marketing budget is fat that can be trimmed,

Building Your Social Media Approach

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In order to build a social media approach for your company (or for yourself personally), there are five key steps to consider and follow: Research, Audit, Plan, Internal Education, and Participation

Jenna Presenting at Marketing Workshop

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Yes it’s hard work, but keeping your voice heard during difficult times is vital. And with everyone spending more time online today, it’s crucial

How to Get the Most Out of a Trade Show

Trade shows are a great way to build relationships with media contacts and work on story development. Here are a few of my favorite Do’s and Don’ts when planning trade shows.

Media Training Tip: Off the Record

Anything you say can be used against you … we hear that phrase on cop shows, but did you realize it applies to media interviews, too? We tell our clients to pretend as if the microphones are on

Increasing SEO Through PR

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In today’s world, it’s important to create a communications plan that reaches your target audiences through both traditional and non-traditional methods.

Elements of an Online Newsroom

An online newsroom is typically hosted on your Web site and is created as a resource for reporters. At a minimum your online newsroom should include contact information for your spokesperson,