Hosting Tips for Any Get Together

So many times as we work to expand our network and strengthen relationships with those in our Rolodex, we find ourselves hosting more intimate gatherings. For those events hosted within your home, here are a few tips to make everyone at ease, including you, the host.

– Use 25-watt bulbs to give the room a subtle glow
– Plan on five to six bites per guest, per hour
– Remember: one gallon of punch makes approximately 32 drinks
– Line wastebaskets with multiple bags; when one fills up, you can quickly have another ready to go
– Let guests know how to dress for the festivities. Costume and theme parties always break the ice faster
– When making introductions between guests, tip strangers off to something they may have in common

And, to make your get together a little greener:

– Send invitations via email rather than traditional printed invites
– Check out flea markets and secondhand stores for party decor
– Create a menu using local produce
– Use reusable towels for clean up and biodegradable trash bags
– Serve food on disposable tableware, like Chinet (client), made of recycled material and biodegradable
– Compost leftover party food and Chinet tableware