12 Tips to Becoming a Better Presenter

By Christine Vivoli

How you present yourself is key in the PR and advertising world. Giving presentations is a task that communications professionals perform on a regular basis. It is important to become an excellent presenter when selling yourself, your company, or your ideas to your client. Snackbox offers our top 12 tips on how to present with success.

  1. Research your topic – In order to speak with confidence and knowledge it is imperative that you know the background information on what you are speaking about.
  2. Organize the main points in the best order – Prepare note cards and avoid writing complete sentences or paragraphs.
  3. Practice – As many times as you can for as many people as you can. Listen to their feedback. Don’t just memorize written text. You need to understand your topic.
  4. Deal with your stress – Take a moment to relax and gather your thoughts before you begin presenting.
  5. Look Presentable – This tips is key. You must look the part if you hope to be taken seriously and respected.
  6. Keep eye contact – Scan the entire room while you are speaking. You do not want to just talk at one person in the room.
  7. Speak loudly and clearly – You want the audience to be able to hear you and understand what you are saying.
  8. Know your audience – Inspire enthusiasm for your topic and tell your story with flair.
  9. Engage your audience – Tell them a funny story or pose questions to them to make them active members.
  10. Answer questions at the end of your presentation – This will allow you to see if the audience was listening and whether or not they understood what you were talking about.
  11. Learn from your experience – Make sure to get feedback on your strengths and weaknesses to improve for next time.
  12. Present something you love – Believe in what you are presenting or the audience surely won’t. If you have to present something you don’t like or believe in, it may be time to switch jobs.